We offer a number of services for you.

  • Organizing & Staging

    We organize, arrange, and display all items to be sold. We provide tables and shelving as necessary. We will set aside any personal belongings that we may find and return them to the client.

  • Pricing

    We evaluate and research all items to be sold. We have staff that specialize in vintage and antique items. We price all items by using price stickers, tags, or signs that we provide.

  • Advertising

    We advertise on our website, Facebook page, and on estatesales.net

    During the sale we put out noticeable yard signs in the area to draw attention to your sale.

  • Conducting Sales

    We conduct and manage all estate sales with a professional and positive approach. We engage with the customers to promote a friendly environment. We oversee all areas of the home to ensure security and sales by providing the appropriate number of staff members for each sale.

  • End Of Sale

    At the end of the sale, all unsold items that are left on any shelves and tables provided by BB Estate Sales will be cleared off and placed on any available surfaces, floor space, and boxes provided by the client. We are not responsible for packing up any items after the sale has ended. All unsold items that remain are homeowner/clients responsibility and discretion to clean out. Cleanout services are an optional service we provide to the client, please inquire if these services are needed.

Questions before getting started? Get in touch.